Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pineapple Cupcakes

* 1 cup flour
* 1 cup sugar
* 1 tsp baking soda
* 3 egg whites
* 3/4 tsp vanilla
* 10 ounces crushed pineapple
* 3 tbsp powdered sugar

First, you need to get a large mixing bowl and combine the sugar, flour and baking soda. Next, beat in the egg whites, the vanilla and pineapple. You can use an electric mixer, or stir by hand and give your arms a workout, but it needs to be mixed well. Pour the batter into a lined muffin tin and bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit (176.6 degrees Celsius) for about 25 minutes. You can poke a toothpick into the cupcakes to see if they’re done. If the toothpick comes out clean, they’re ready to leave the oven and cool for five minutes. The final step is to avoid the icing and sprinkle them with your powdered sugar instead.
This recipe is a great example of how you can make a delicious treat such as a cupcake into a healthy treat rather than a cupcake filled with millions of calories. In this recipe we use pineapple a very sweet fruit and this helps replace the sugar that is added and just with that being replaced it makes a great difference. Not only is it healthier but you are able to enjoy fruit in a different way. Just make sure you're a pineapple fan if you decide to try this recipe! enjoy!

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